Find Your “Me Time”
It’s easy to think of the word “me” and immediately have the word “selfish” pop into your head.
We’re told that if we think of putting ourselves first (for any length of time) then we’re being selfish. That we’re not being “team players” or we’re not putting “family first.”
Now, there’s nothing wrong with being a team player or making your family a priority, but how can you do that unless you’re right with yourself?
What exactly is “me time”? Well, defines it like this … “time spent focusing on oneself and only doing things one wants to do”.
That’s sounds good, but good isn’t necessarily easy. And we get it. It’s not easy to find time for yourself. But, for your own good you need to carve out the time. You’ll be a better you because you did it.
The Harvard Business Review recently put out an article about this titled Make Time for “Me Time”.
In it author Elizabeth Grace Saunders outlines some simple steps for “Me Time.”
- The first step is to stop, take a deep breath, and realize that the world doesn’t rest completely on your shoulders.
- The next step is to give yourself permission to take care of yourself now.
- Take a moment to define what you need and what you want.
- Think through what’s reasonable given your current situation.
- Consciously set aside time for self-care
- Eliminate hurdles and putting in items that reinforce positive behaviors
- Communicate your needs with others, whether it’s at home with a spouse or in your workplace
It can really be that simple … if we let it.
So, try it out. Find your “Me Time” and help yourself be a better you.
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