You’re Not Broken
Have you ever wondered if you’re broken? If there’s something wrong with you? That there’s something that the rest of the world just gets, but somehow you’re not clued in.
Don’t believe it.
You’re not broken!
Repeat that to yourself … over and over if you have to to get it to sink in.
“I’m not broken.” “I’m NOT broken.” “I”M NOT BROKEN!”
A lot of the struggles everyday people, just like you and me, deal with come from our own thoughts.
That’s not to disregard actual life events that cause or amplify mental health issues.
But it’s merely an observation that the beginning of most people’s journey to better mental health begins with not focusing on being “broken” but instead, focusing on the middle of that word … brOKen.
You’re not broken. In fact, if you’re reading this then you’re already one step closer to being OK. There may be a lot of steps in between, but you’ve probably heard the Chinese proverb “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”
And that might be where you are … ready to take your first step.
And that, my friends, is OK.
If you’re not ready to speak with a licensed counselor yet, that’s ok too. We’re here when you’re ready.
In the meantime, you might want to check out Dr. Sarah Woodhouse’s new book titled You’re Not Broken (Amazon | Book Depository).
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